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Calculating Economic Impact for a Region after a Massive Earthquake Event

Howard led the technical and economic analysis in building a model calculating the overall economic impact for the Puget Sound region after an earthquake and subsequent redevelopment.  The project was funded by the Department of Homeland Security and required working with four area ports, as well as the larger community of public and private entities, eventually totalizing 250+ participants.  Howard worked directly with the financial and operating leaders across the ports, collecting and integrating the data into an overall regional data model.  The visual analytical model allowed participants to try out different what-if scenarios and was used in an all-day facilitated session.  Port-level metrics allowed decision-makers to see the impact of recovery options.  In addition, the analysis included impact to jobs, taxes, and other shared regional metrics.

s a result of the work and the successful session, the ports are working closer with business and government entities (US Coast Guard, FEMA, Washington Department of State) as well as reviewing MOUs they have with each other.